Filament led

Den gamla koltrådslampan har fått en efterföljare i filament LED-serien. Dessa lampor ser likadana ut men har till skillnad från traditionella ledlampor ett mycket . An LED filament light bulb is an electric light bulb which produces light with an LED that is shaped to look like the filament of an incandescent light bulb. Featuring a classic heritage design, LED Deco Classic delivers beautiful, decorative warm-white. Classic look feel and LED filament for decorative lighting. The exciting bit about LED bulbs right now is the huge variety of implementations.

An LED filament bulb is a light bulb that uses LEDs as its filaments. Light is emitted from four LED filaments uniformly and evenly in all directions, instead of . A new technology trend has emerge Filament LED. The use of heat sinks for heat dissipation has been eliminated completely, resulting in a lighter weight lamp .

Visit Earth LED and shop our LED Filament bulbs. They look just like their traditional incandescent counterparts thanks to a unique new LED . Filament LED bulbs use very narrow strips containing the LE which look similar to filaments of an old incandescent bulb: They look like a .


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