Led filter

With a lifespan of up to 2times longer than standard lighting filter, the new Zircon range from LEE Filters is designed to . LED Filter CL1on a Cool White LED (6000K) gives a visual colour match to existing filter 1Congo Blue on Tungsten (3200K). Plastfilter finns tillskurna, per meter eller på rulle.

Dikroiska filter finns i diameter 35mm och 50mm. Vi tillhandahåller även ett komplett sortiment av Rosco- . Ikea Hack: Warm Up LED Accent Lighting Using Photography Gels-How to use inexpensive. Finns det inte något filter man kan sätta på en LED lampa för att få ett varmare sken? Full CT Orange; 204(LED) 5600k—3200k CT Orange; 2Half CT Orange; 2Quarter CT Orange; 2Eighth CT Orange; 2Three . A range of your favorite colors now available color matched for Cool White LED.

We've done the hard work, so you don't have to.

If your light has a greenish tint, then you'll probably want one of the pink (magenta) filters, while I found the XP-G RLED in my new NiteCore .
