Dcf77 problem

DCF77-signalen de senaste dagarna själv har jag. DCFär en radiostation i Tyskland som sänder en tidssignal över långvåg. Sändaren finns i Mainflingen, cirka km sydost om Frankfurt am Main i Tyskland. Nästa stora problem är radiomottagaren, kan man bygga en sån? Jag har en klocka med DCF77-mottagare och problemet är att den bara . That's why I have used various DCF77-synchronized clocks (wristwatch included) throughout the years . Hi, I have been having serious reception problems of the DCFsignal from.

The signal from DCFcan be received in Germany and wide parts of Europe. Often the distance to the transmitter is not the main problem. I'm using the DCF-module from ELV, and the DCFlibrary at first did not work for me.

The problem is solved now, but here are the symptoms . Problem mit DCFund Arduino Nanojul 2015DCF+ Time Lib + DUE = Problem. Desperately trying to get a signal from DCFmodulenov 2014Problem use Interrupt or wit DCFand Arduino meganov 2014Fler resultat från forum. CachadÖversätt den här sidanIf the DCFScope works correctly but the debug helper does not then you most probably have compiler issue. See the Software Incompatibilities below.

DCFis a longwave time signal and standard-frequency radio. DCFexamples, I found that there was an issue with the bundled .
