Hc06 datasheet

HC-05- HC-06-D (with baseboar for test and evaluation). HC-and HC-06's data sheet for detailed commands.

In a previous post I shared my notes on how to connect an Arduino to an Android phone using the the popular and cheap HC-Bluetooth . In this video we look at how to get started with the HC-Bluetooth transceiver module. En beskrivning av det här resultatet är inte tillgänglig på grund av webbplatsens robots.

HC-and HC-(Source Wavesen Data Sheet). The HC-firmware on the other hand only can be a slave device, with very limited AT . PART 1: Overview of Bluetooth HC-module with serial port. Bluetooth number: JY-MCU-HC-0 surface mount with integrated antenna.

HC-has be designed Master or Slave when the factory, user couldn't change the role. BTBee HC-is a serial port Bluetooth module (Salve) breakout board with a Bee shape, and it's compatible with any Bee sockets. An electronic brick is an electronic module which can be . HC-Datasheet, HC-PDF, HC-Data sheet, HC-manual, HC-pdf, HC-0 datenblatt, Electronics HC-0 alldatasheet, free, datasheet, Datasheets, . File name: HC-Bluetooth module datasheet.

Updated:2012-11-19:55:40; Download: Download; File Description:HC-Bluetooth module datasheet. Note: Now HC-not cheaper); These small ( cm long) modules run on 3. Since the HC-FC-114s and the HC-FC-11s share the same.
